Pinterest Automatic Pin WordPress Plugin Free Download v4.0.5 - Codecanyon - DownTechz


Pinterest Automatic Pin WordPress Plugin Free Download v4.0.5 - Codecanyon

Pinterest Automatic Pin WordPress Plugin Free Download v4.0.5 - Codecanyon

Pinterest Automatic Pin WordPress Plugin Free Download v4.0.5 - Codecanyon

Pinterest Automatic Pin WordPress Plugin Free Download v4.0.5 - Codecanyon | Pinterest Automatic Pin WordPress Plugin v4.0.5 helps to drive more traffic  with average number of valued users, customers and readers than from Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube Combined and this is why developer has coded this premium and outstanding plugin that will pin images from your post automatically to bigger valued social media sharing website

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Pinterest Automatic Pin WordPress Plugin v4.0.5 - Codecanyon Download Links:

    • Pin unlimited number of images
    • Post featured image as a pin
    • Scheduled posts support
    • Bulk Pin
    • Automatic Image detection
    • Automatic boards detection
    • Auto-link pins to your post
    • Spintax enabled
    • Default pin text and pin board
    • Custom post types support
    • woo-commerce support
    • [Beta] Bots support
    • Supported Tags
    • Detect images to pin from the fron-end
    • Pin full sized images from thumbnails in WordPress
    • Specific WordPress fully support category to pinterest board
    • Specific WordPress tag fully support to pinterest board
    • Pinned images get marked
    • Custom css selector
    • Custom Taxonomies
    • Cron job
    • Queuing System
    • Show to administrators only option
    • Proxy support
    • Automatic excerpt generation
    • Search and replace in image src
    • Random pin interval
    • Automatic updates
    • Detailed action log
    • 100% ajax responsive interface
    Version:4.0.5 (20 APRIL 2015 )
    • Code has been Updated to cope with recent pinterest changes
    • Queue stop is now fixed for some users
    • False items has been fixed which appeared in the queue now fixed 

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